Hypnobirthing Program

Whether it is your first or third baby, the prospect of birth can be...well... downright scary! Hypnobirthing can help!

 The Positive Birth program is a comprehensive program by Hypnobirthing Australia that encompasses everything you need to know to arm yourself with the knowledge, tools and techniques to go into your birth feeling empowered. The Positive Birth Program is dedicated to teaching you and your birth partner good quality evidence-based information, so you can both make informed decisions well before the birth of your baby. <br>
Birth isn’t linear but this doesn’t mean you can’t be prepared, even if things don’t go according to plan. It’s about embracing your power and taking charge of your birth, no matter how that may look..

Swinging watches?!...Bizarre rituals?!...Just what is Hypnobirthing?!

Hypnobirthing Australia

Don’t worry, the hypnosis we offer is none of the above. It is not at all eerie or mystical but rather about achieving a state of relaxation and focus, that aligns you with your birth goals. In this program, I will teach techniques that make it effortless for you to enter this serene and focused state of mind. 

And here’s the best part – you don’t need any prior experience in meditation or hypnotherapy to benefit from the program. It’s accessible and effective for everyone, helping you to prepare for a calm and empowering birth experience. Embrace the power of hypnosis for a more relaxed and confident journey into motherhood.

How it helps

You will gain knowledge on how to stimulate endorphins – your body’s natural pain-relieving hormones. You will cultivate a positive mindset towards the labor process, viewing it as an experience to be embraced and enjoyed.

Hypnobirthing Group Sessions

Group sessions are held every month through The House of Mother at Largs Bay Health and Yoga.

House of Mother

Our course is designed to support all expectant parents, regardless of your birth preferences.

Whether you’re leaning towards a natural birth, considering a medicated approach, or even planning a caesarean section, the Positive Birth Program is tailor-made to help you prepare mentally and shed any fears surrounding childbirth.

Feel free to bring along your partner or chosen birth support person! Our courses actively involve your partner because their presence and involvement can play a significant role in enhancing your birth experience. We focus on equipping them with the knowledge and confidence to be an essential source of support during labour.

The course will be run each month through The House of Mother at Largs Bay Health and Yoga – 2/435 Military Road Largs Bay SA 5016

The course that runs once a week over 4 weeks for a total of 12 hours includes the following:

  • Each group hold space for 8-10 couples
  • Hypnobirthing Australia ™ resources that are designed with the Australian maternity system in mind
  • Access to a qualified Doula
  • Complimentary 30-minute lactation consult (Support also available for bottle feeding) support after your baby is born.

Investment 4 week course $499

Extra Support Services

Online Course with Private Q&A Session

The Hypnobubs™ online hypnobirthing course is great if you are unable to attend classes in person. It has been tried and tested by thousands of parents, both in Australia and internationally and offers a wealth of high-quality resources, including the hypnobirthing eBook, downloadable materials, and the most popular hypnobirthing mp3 tracks for pregnancy and childbirth. 

After this you get a 90 minute private Q&A session with myself either in person or via Zoom to answer any of those nagging questions that you may have or provide that extra bit of guidance you may need.

Investment - Online Course with a 90 minute Q&A Session $349

Private Q&A Session

So you’ve attended the workshops or completed the Hypnobubs ™ online course and you still have a few questions or need some further clarification on some of the techniques covered.

 No problem, I have you covered. 

I offer a 90 minute consult either in home or via zoom that is your own private Q&A session to give you piece of mind as you prepare to welcome that new member to your family.

Investment - 90 minute Q&A session $150

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