Postpartum Doula

Empowering and nurturing mothers throughout their entire birth journey.

Are you looking for someone to guide and support you through your birth journey and beyond?
Do you want to feel confident in your choices as a new parent?

Hey there,

I‘m Dani the Doula and I deeply care about how mothers in Adelaide are birthing and going into their postpartum. I truly want nothing more than for mothers to feel empowered, supported and nurtured through their entire journey.

I base my support on the latest research and evidence-based practices, ensuring that mums receive the best care possible. I advocate for the rights and choices of new mums, ensuring they have access to the resources and information they need to make informed decisions.

Postpartum Doula

I support my families on their journey into parenthood, in a friendly, down-to-earth, non-judgmental manner.

“It may take a village to raise a child, but it also takes one to raise a Mother.”

Danielle Loizou - postpartum doula, breastfeeding counsellor

I have been supporting families in Adelaide for five years, helping them navigate pregnancy, birth and postpartum through education and support.

I have first-hand experience through the fertility journey as an IVF mama, to pregnancy, postpartum and beyond. Going through these experiences myself and seeing so many other women on the same path, ignited a fire deep in my belly to change the way we transition through these important stages of our lives.

My services include:

  • Birth Planning
  • Hypno-birthing
  • Postpartum Planning
  • Postpartum Care
  • Lactation Support


I have gained the following accreditations so that I have the best tools on hand, to give you the support that you and your family truly deserve!

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